Having long struggled to find a creative voice and outlet I have now discovered this through the use of photography. Whilst, like many of us, I have taken holiday and other snaps etc. for many years. The last few years have taken me on a journey into both the art of making a photograph and into my own creativity and expression.
I love things that make me think and that are not necessarily exactly how they appear at first glance; in photography this leads me from monochrome, through long exposure (both colour and black and white) through to pure abstraction.
I try, as far as possible, to do as much ‘in camera’ that is without the use of lots of Photoshop and enjoy exploring what we can do with cameras, especially the use of multiple exposure and intentional camera movement. The introduction of camera phones and various apps have also helped to free up a medium that was at danger of becoming stagnant. I also enjoy the process of printing my pictures and am starting to explore creative ways of doing this in ways that bring out more of the meaning of the picture.